Massive Female Power

Broadgate Venus (2)

Broadgate Venus

Day 7 on “Photo 101” – ‘Big & Point of View’

This is one of the statues that is most suitable to be described as ‘BIG’. It is ‘Broadgate Venus’ in London. I could not do a point of view shot for this one but just compare it with the size of beer bottles and a glass. The shape and the colour as well as its size make such an impact!


Column Object

In contrast to the Broadgate Venus’s curvy organic shape, the next photo has a very geometrically shaped column and a tall building. Although they seem to be inorganic with a similar metallic colour and texture, the column has many cut out shapes of leaves & creatures and the building also has a long gentle curve on its side. By being positioned next to each other with precise calculation they look like a perfect combination to me.

9 thoughts on “Massive Female Power

  1. Great photos, both of them.
    I have a photo of sleeping Buddha, laying like the woman, from Indonesia. Kamakura’s Daibutsu would be great too. But I was thinking of using Warsaw’s landmark – the building that is visible from afar. That is, when I’ll finally catch up with the tasks.
    Cheers, can’t wait for next photos. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The Venus is great if you see it on site situating in a vast square. Wonder whether I managed to capture the impact on camera? The building is in Japan. Exact town? I think it is Nagoya now I’m trying to remember.


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