Can you hear the Scream?

The Naked Screaming Biscuitmen


Day 14 on ‘Photo101’ – Scale & Observation

Can you hear their scream? These are the Naked Screaming Biscuit Men. I was supporting a crowdfunding campaign for a short film ‘The Naked Screaming Man’ last summer and made these little funny & tasty men as a perk for contributors. The film is about a Naked Man hiding behind a bush so I wanted to create edible smaller version of him as a joke hiding behid … broccoli bush?! Basically I scaled the situation down!!

Blurred Vision

Town Hall shadow

Is this an illusion?

Day 10 on ‘Photo101’ – Mystery & Lighting Effects

This is a part of our Town Hall on Day11 Challenge ‘Behind Closed Doors’. Actually this was shot in colour but looks B&W. This silhouette looked interestingly spooky so I took a photo.

Town Hall entrance

This is the same spot from the front of the building.

Behind Closed Doors

Town Hall

The Entrance Tower standing tall skyward was a very modern design when it was built

Day 12 on ‘Photo101’ – Architecture & Monochrome

This is our secretly famous Town Hall. How is it famous? Because its Art Deco interior has not been touched since it was built and it had been used for filming numerous films and TV dramas. It had been behind closed doors to the public for many years until now and we had a chance to see (and take pictures) recently.

Town Hall indoor  Town Hall stairs

Ginger Pork Salad

Ginger Pork Salad

This is a Salad suitable for summer time. It is the Salad as a main dish when you want to eat lots of fresh vegetables/salad and also meat to energise the weakened body in heat. I had diced pork which is normally used for stew or curry but I did not want to cook anything for long time. Summer time cooking should be simple & quick.

When I use Pork I always associate with ginger without a fail. Not just because the favour combination goes well, but ginger kill the porky smell. And most amazingly ginger has the enzyme which breaks down protein so that any meat becomes much more tender by marinating with it. Also Ginger is famous for lots of health factors such as immune system booster, anti-oxidant or anti-inflammatory etc… So why not use fresh ginger more often?

Ginger Pork Preparation

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Birds of Paradise

Colourful birds

I can almost hear the Birds singing

Day 11 on ‘Photo101’ – A Pop of Colour

I jumped. Haven’t found a good object or interesting space to shoot for ‘Mystery’ on Day 10 yet. But I found this marvellously colourful piece of Art yesterday. This is a quite big piece. Love it. I want to have this on my white wall.

One Afternoon

Sunbathing Clover

Sunbathing Clover

Day 9 on ‘Photo101’ – Warmth & Quality of Light

This photo is one of many shots I took originally for the theme ‘Big’ by hoping to capture the size of Big building behind and a tiny clover flower as the foreground. The Flare of the Sun came in nicely so I decided to select this for the theme ‘Warmth’. Can you feel the Warmth?

Amazing Lines in Nature

Yamori Face

Magical Eye of ‘Yamori’ the Gekko’

Day 8 on ‘Photo 101’ – ‘Natural World & Leading Lines’

I am a Food Blogger but I love animals too. Nature fascinates me. Every part of creatures or plants is designed perfectly. This ‘Yamori’ the Gekko, I found in a room at my parents’ house, can climb up any surface because of the lines on the back of its feet. They work as suckers. The pattern on its body is also amazing.

Yamori Foot

These lines are in 3D! Just Amazing.

YamoriI love seeing animals and plants up close. It’s almost ‘David Attenborough’. I released the Gekko back into the wild afterwards of course.


Massive Female Power

Broadgate Venus (2)

Broadgate Venus

Day 7 on “Photo 101” – ‘Big & Point of View’

This is one of the statues that is most suitable to be described as ‘BIG’. It is ‘Broadgate Venus’ in London. I could not do a point of view shot for this one but just compare it with the size of beer bottles and a glass. The shape and the colour as well as its size make such an impact!


Column Object

In contrast to the Broadgate Venus’s curvy organic shape, the next photo has a very geometrically shaped column and a tall building. Although they seem to be inorganic with a similar metallic colour and texture, the column has many cut out shapes of leaves & creatures and the building also has a long gentle curve on its side. By being positioned next to each other with precise calculation they look like a perfect combination to me.

Paths to the Unknown

Bridge in Moss Temple

The Bridge covered with Moss leads you to a quiet World

Day 6 on “Photo 101” – ‘Connect’ & Tag

This is an ancient bridge over a pond in a quiet Moss Temple in Kyoto, Japan. Under a dense canopy the quiet atmosphere spreads out as if time has stopped. I was alone there. Moss spreads out literally 360°. Not just your vision, but your hearing is also affected in this world. You feel like you have been sucked into another dimension.


Tunnel in HollandThis is also a connection in a totally different world in the Netherlands. In this winding tunnel you cannot see where it’s leading you to, but bright sunlight comes through the leaves giving you exiting expectation.

Food Industry Art in Japan

Window Display of a Restaurant in Japan

They look delicious, but you cannot eat them?!

This is the last post on the Report of my visit to Japan. It is also supposed to be the post for Day 4 (yes, I am a little bit behind) of the ‘Blogging101’ so I am adding an element  I haven’t done yet.

Pasta ModelsWe Japanese say “Eat food with our eyes”. As well as being tasty Food has to be colourful & beautiful.

Looks delicious but not edible

You might know there is a unique Industry in Food Business in Japan. It is Food Model making for window displays. In my childhood they were everywhere. Almost all restaurants had them at their entrance. The purpose is simple. They show what the foods of the restaurant look like, the kind of ingredients the dishes have and most importantly they are there for attracting customers!

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