Mochi Kaki/Persimmon

It was until the last few years that I did not see any Kaki/Persimmon (Sharon Fruit) sold in any shop anywhere in London. But now this fruit is sold regularly with the names as Kaki, Persimmon or Sharon Fruit. The first name ‘Kaki’ is actually a Japanese word so it is obvious that the fruit is not native in the UK and imported. When I was a child I saw Kaki tree with lots of fruit hanging down during its season in every garden. If you go to the Japanese country side you can still spot bright orange colour in here and there.

I have made a Japanese sweet in this Kaki shape before. That time it was a type of sweet called ‘Nerikiri’ which is made with ‘Shiro-An’ sweet White Bean Paste but I was thinking that it would be very tasty and great texture if I make the outer layer with soft ‘Mochi’ Rice Cake and fill it with soft sweet bean paste.

Mochi Kaki/Persimmon

So this is the outcome of my tasty dream.


‘Mochi’ Rice Cake shaped into  Kaki/ Persimmon.


The Green part is coloured and flavoured with ‘Matcha’ Green Tea.


‘Shiro-An’ sweet White Bean Paste is the centre with Kaki/Persimmon Jam.

It is Free from Gluten, Egg, Dairy & Oil.


Have it with a nice cup of Green Tea.  🙂

23 thoughts on “Mochi Kaki/Persimmon

      • Not sure how much interest there is here in the UK, as it is a bit of an acquired taste. To be very honest, personally I’m not a big fan of these type cakes because of the texture but I would love to be able to make them as they look so pretty. Also I think I would appreciate them more when I made it myself! 😊
        But yes, maybe it’s worth investigating? Didn’t you sell them at a cafe? Maybe there would be some interest via them? Or you could put a question out via your blog?
        If it were on an easy location in London – and depending on costs – I would be interested.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for giving me your thought. Actually I’ve been asked to teach by several people so I have been considering about it. I once had a chance to have a course at Japan Centre but that time my schedule did not match with theirs. Now Wasoukan, the Kimono shop who is serving my sweets, is offering thir space for my sweet making course so it might happen quite soon. (#^^#)

        Liked by 2 people

  1. This is such a delicately beautiful dish. I have been trying mochi dishes, and have also been interested in things such as mochi ice cream and daifuku, so this is certainly promising. I especially like the appearance of it, how lovely the mochi shells over the ice cream. I, myself, have been interested in learning mochi recipes, since the store bought brands are usually quite cold in temperature, and home baked goods are usually more delectable than store bought goods Therefore, this article is quite informative as well as enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much. I am happy to know that you like ‘Mochi’. It is so amazing to me that people recognise the Japanese sweet as Mochi and not as Rice Cake these days. I shall try making more of it. Cheers! 🙂


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